Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil-fitri

By now, most of our Muslim friends would be home with their families. And probably cooking up a feast for this evening's buka puasa. How many of our TMGS alumnae are back in Taiping to celebrate Raya, I wonder?

Wherever you are, I wish you and family a wonderful festival...salam kasih pada hari yang mulia ini dan maaf zahir batin diucapkan kepada sekalian!

It's making me remember the ketupat, lemang, rendang, serunding, jelly gula and cookies we used to wallop at Raya open houses. Oh, also that sugar-coated siput-shaped cookie/biscuit (hardly see this today). Dressed in our best, we would cycle from one house to another - first to Pokok Assam where Norma, Norliza and Norhayati lived; then, to Assam Kumbang where Azrinah lived; then to Permeen's house in Simpang and once even venturing to Nor Azah's house in Changkat Jering. Raya memang best - with friendship, adventure and food!

Going sentimental and remembering also Yuslipah (who passed away in Form 5), Nor'ashikin (best singer), Noor Hayah (my model for school concert)...all my classmates of 5 Science Red.

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